Where is your therapy practice located?

I offer in-person therapy in my office located in Greenwich and Westport, Connecticut and provide telehealth throughout Connecticut, New York, Florida, and California.

What can I expect in a first session?

My intentions for the first session are to begin building rapport and to discuss your goals for therapy.  We will talk about presenting problem and how it is affecting your life and well-being and I will gather a history relevant to your presenting problem. Many people leave the first session feeling hopeful and encouraged. It's an opportunity to understand where your self-growth may lead you!

Do you accept insurance?

I am not in-network with any health insurance plans and am considered an out-of-network provider. If your insurance plan provides for out-of-network coverage, you may be eligible for reimbursement and are encouraged to contact your insurance provider for more information. A "superbill" will be provided if you require one to submit for out-of-network benefits. Payment for each session is due at the time of service. Credit cards are not accepted. Payments and fees are discussed in more detail in my office policy documents which are provided to patients before the first session.

How long is a session?

Sessions are 45 minutes in length. Some clients request "double sessions" of 90 minutes if they have scheduling conflicts or want to work on something more intensely. The frequency of therapy sessions depends on the presenting issue and goals for therapy and will be discussed during the first session. Most clients meet every week or every other week. Having a concierge practice allows me to be as flexible as possible with scheduling appointments and I try to accommodate the needs of my clients so that they may meet their therapy goals. 

How do I get started?

To start your journey, please contact me to schedule a consult.