Transforming Lives Through Individual Therapy for
Adults & Adolescents

A holistic approach to managing depression and anxiety, improving health and strengthening relationships

Offering in-person therapy in Greenwich and Westport, Connecticut and providing telehealth throughout Connecticut, New York, Florida, and California.

Kind Words

  • In the past, my therapy efforts have been genuine, but I never found the right fit. Jennifer connected with me in a way that made me feel safe. She’s so easy to talk to. I could not have shed my old habits without her .


  • When she said she was leaving CA I said “I’ll follow you”. Silly to say but I was so grateful for her guidance. She gave me an excellent referral in CA who followed the work we were doing. I credit her with the progress in my journey.

    - VG

  • The best. Have recommended her to many people.

    - KL

  • I will be forever grateful for the support Jennifer has given me. She helped me heal old wounds and open my heart to love.

    - DC

  • I suffered with fatigue, heart palpitations and all over body pain for many months. Every doctor I saw told me they couldn’t figure it out. A friend suggested that I look at the emotional component. Given my family issues I thought this was a good idea. He referred me to Jennifer and thank goodness he did. I was on a path to losing my company and my family. Jennifer re-directed me towards positivity and strength.

    - LV

  • She made therapy “fun”!

    - THV

  • I spent many years feeling uncertain about my career. My fund was very successful but I felt unfulfilled. I didn’t want to be like so many guys I knew, uninspired and bored. Jennifer showed me how to tap into my values and taught me how to mindfully manage my life. I found more joy in my marriage and family and felt peace when I retired.

    - TH

  • I spend my days in meetings and feeling miserable. I’m always rushed, stressed. Yet I love my work and my company. She helped me find meaning that made it worthwhile.

    - PL

  • My freshman year in college was really hard. It was all new and I wasn’t prepared. I had a hard time making friends and I wanted to transfer schools. Dr. Denkin taught me skills and ways to feel better about myself. I stayed and graduated last year. I always looked forward to our sessions and still do!


  • In 2012 I lost my husband. I never wish anyone to go through that. I’ll be eternally grateful for her support. And her blueberry cheesecake recipe.

    - JHW